Affiliate Marketing Network: Interesting….

Hello guys and girls, I stumbled upon this…interesting…affiliate network today from the Warrior Forum. It’s called Paygear: The reason why it is so interesting is that it has some pretty unique affiliate programs that you won’t find on other networks like Clickbank. Here are a few offers that caught my eye(only because they were unique ideas that I haven’t seen done yet): Shoestring Wedding This Premier® 4GB USB Digital Cam <– cool because it’s a physical product with decent commission. The Online Poker Code Crack <– interesting idea…don’t know if it is a legitimate product or not Everquest 2 Platinum making secrets Disclaimer: Not suggesting you should promote any of these products. I am…

From $0 – $12,961/m in Under 9 Months. Here is How I Did It

Hi there! Your good old friend Dan Brock here 🙂 I am literally floored right now because I just totaled up my January 2010 sales figures from my internet marketing activities, and I managed to rake in $12,961 in sales in that month alone! This was all done even though I made 2 major major mistakes, which I will talk about later on in the my post. And it was because of you and my other loyal subscribers! I thought I would share this method as a thank you. Now, Obviously I had expenses. PPC Other advertising costs Outsourcing costs Refunds Even with those expenses, my profit for January is over $10,000 which I am…

This Guy Knows What He Is Doing So Take Some Notes!

Hello Everyone! I don’t know if you have heard of this guy named Gary Vaynerchuk or not, but he truly has this whole internet marketing thing down. He started a wine blog like 5 years ago, and he does something like $50 million dollars a year with it. Watch this presentation he gave at the Web 2.0 Expo – It’s very inspirational and filled with all sorts of golden nuggets you can use: So how does this apply to us as affiliate marketers, or anyone else who is currently making money online? Well, the moral of the story is, that while you can certainly make money in niches you know nothing about or even care…

The True Secrets to Instant Overnight Wealth(funny)

Hello Everyone! This is a special post because I have discovered the true secret to instant overnight wealth! I thought this was pretty funny so I figured I’d share it: (from Hilarious! Perhaps I need to make something similar for my next ebook. So what’s the point of this post? The point is, the only way to legally get wealthy is to work your ass off.

The Difference Between Buyer Keywords and Research Keywords Explained. VERY IMPORTANT!

Hi! Daniel Brock here – and my apologies for not updating my blog sooner. I have been working hard on a new membership site that I will be introducing pretty soon. I think you all will love this one. At any rate, I wanted to talk about something VERY important to ALL online sellers. It doesn’t matter if you are an affiliate marketer, product creator, service provider(web hosts for example), you NEED to know this. This is one of those things I wish I would have learned when I first started making money online, but couldn’t because it took months and months of trial and error before I understood it. What I am going to…

“You Can’t Take Google Page Rank Or Alexa Rank to the Bank”

In the words of Frank Kern, ‘You can’t take Google PageRank or Alexa Rank to the Bank’. Once you realize that, you will be much more successful at getting traffic to your website. Don’t get me a wrong, a high PR or Alexa Rank can mean the person is making A LOT of money. BUT… If all you do is chase around page rank, you will likely never end up in that position(to make a lot of money). See, I was once addicted to increasing my Google Page Rank when I was first getting started. I run a web hosting company and I was literally obsessed with increasing my PageRank of my web hosting company….

Finding a Profitable Niche the Easy Way

I have been getting tons of questions about finding  profitable niches, what they look like, how to tap into them, etc. So I figured I would throw a 3 part video series together to help you all out. I also have a special announcement for a new product I am releasing on Dec. 15th. I think this one will help you all out tremendously. Video 1: Available now Video 2: Available Now Video 3: Available Now Profitable Niche Packet Now Available: Click Here

Making Money in Competitive Niches is Easier Thank You Think!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I am starting to gear up my internet marketing business, and as part of my plan, I wanted to create a really informative blog to help out all of my customers. OK, so now that my little intro is out of the way. Let’s get down to business. I have been getting a lot of questions from you guys and girls regarding competing in so called ‘oversatured’ niches. Niches like: Weight Loss Payday Loans Web Hosting Internet Marketing LCD TVs Digital Cameras Laptops Etc. Just to name a few… If you look around on the internet, the general consensus(is that even the right word?)…