High Quality Back Links – Are You Making This Mistake?

Hey there! It’s been awhile since my last blog post, so here we are! I want to discuss a very common SEO mistake that people tend to make (I made this too!). OK, here we goo… The fool proof way to improve your search engine rankings is to get high quality back links to your website. I’m sure you know this already (or at least, I hope so!). -A high quality back link is basically a link to your website from another website that is also about the same topic of your website. However, it’s very easy to misinterpret whether or not the content on each website is the same or related. I know that…

Anybody Want Some Steak? (A New Niche Every Day)

I swear, it seems like every day I stumble upon a new niche on Amazon that I never knew about it before. This one is crazy. Guess what the niche is? I’ll give you a hint. It’s in the food niche… STEAK Online freakin’ steaks. Who would have thought??? I found this little gem on Amazon today: http://www.amazon.com/Omaha-Steaks-The-Tenderness-Team/dp/B0017141HY/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&s=grocery&qid=1281202830&sr=8-15 (no affiliate link) At a price of $250, you’re looking at about $15-$20 per sale. Good money in such a random niche. Apparently what they do is when you order it through Amazon, they freeze it up, pack it with dry ice and overnight it to you. I honestly never thought that a niche like this would…

How to Avoid the Google Sandbox While Ranking High at the Same Time

Hi! It’s been awhile since my last blog post, so I figured it was due time! What I want to discuss today is how to rank a new site highly without getting caught in that nasty Google Sandbox. As you may or may not know already, the Google sandbox is a spam filter which reviews brand new sites to determine site quality. One way to get flagged as a SPAM site is to build too many links to a brand new site at once. (I’m sure you have experiened this already) Once flagged as possible SPAM, your site gets kicked into the sandbox – Google’s purgatory, so to speak, where you will remain out of…

Selling the Benefits vs. Selling the Features

This video covers an important concept for selling any product or service. That is, learning how to present the benefits of your product to your prospect: Click Here After Watching the Above Video List building Samurai is closing in 3 days. Get it while you still can before you have to wait AND pay full price. Learn how to build a REAL business using mailing listsĀ  so that you never have to rely on Google again!

Steal my $2,000/m 7 Day Cash Machine (Email Marketing Follow-up Sequence)

Video number 3 in my email marketing series. This covers a technique I developed called the ‘7 Day Cash Machine’. This particular video turned out a little dark after toning down the quality for my readers with slower internet connections. Sorry šŸ™ Attention: List Building Samurai is LIVE. Get it Here You will learn how to make a REAL business using the power of list building. In my opinion, list building is superior(income-wise) to mini sites because: You can use your list for leverage You can continuously market to your list – instead of having to rely on one off sales. You can build a large following of people who will buy anything you suggest…

How to Make a High Quality Give Away For Your Opt-In Page

Here is video number 2 in my free list building training. File size is somewhat big so it might take a minute to begin playing. (watch video 1 here if you haven’t seen it already) Newsflash! List Building Samurai is LIVE. Click Here Now It is my comprehensive course on how to start your own profitable mailing lists that earn money for you on auto-pilot. My best site using the mailing list methodsĀ  is earning me $2000/m and I casually promote it a few minutes a day. You will learn how: To create a REAL business by building your mailing listsĀ  I.E. RELIABLE income How to set up an automated list building machine so that…

List Building, and Why You Need a List To Make A Lot Of Money in 2010

Hello Everyone! My first in-person video, so be nice šŸ™‚ I thought it turned out really well considering it was totally unscripted and impromptu. What I’m teaching today is why you need a list, and how they work in the various niche markets out there. This is a must watch if you want to make a lot of money online: Newsflash! List Building Samurai is LIVE. Click Here Now And P.S, I have a new course coming out in the next 7-9 days that will teach you exactly how to build your own profitable lists. You will learn things like: How to create valuable freebies even if you don’t know a thing about the niche…

Internet Marketers: You Have Been Seriously Mislead About Internet Marketing

Howdy howdy! I know you have all seen headlines like this over and over again: “Learn How I Made $295,013 Online In Less Than 2 Months Sitting At The Beach Drinking Margaritas” The truth is, it is BS. What they don’t tell you is how much work they put in beforehand. Here is an interview with 12 top online marketers. They reveal the truth about how they made their fortunes online: http://www.dailyblogtips.com/interview-12-top-online-entrepreneurs-share-how-hard-they-work/ Notice what they all have in common? They work their butts off. Most are working more than 40 hours a week. I’m sorry, but if you are looking at this thing as some easy way to make money, well I got bad news…

Why RSS Feed Snydication Is So Important

Simply put, if you aren’t using RSS feeds in any of your marketing, you are going to be left in the dust. Think website automation + tons of valuable content for free: Click Here After Watching The Above Video Attention* Sorry guys, my coupon code has expired. You can no longer get it at the discounted price. It is still on sale through the above link for $47. I can’t stress enough how important RSS is for your website. It’s literally the difference from having to spend your entire day building back links to letting the RSS syndication networks do all the work for you. Not only that, but you can reverse the process and…

Looking For Guest Bloggers on Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, SEO, Blogging, etc.

Hello there, Good old Danny boy here. I wanted to quickly let you know that I am opening up my internet marketing blog for guest posting opportunities. My goal is to turn this blog into an authority site over the next few years, so I need the content to support that. Unfortunately, my once a week posting schedule is not going to cut it. So if you are interested in writing a guest post here, simply contact me via my newsletter email address and we will work out the details. (in return I will give you a link to any website you wish(as long as it’s not anything crazy), at the very top of your…