If I had to start over from scratch in internet marketing…

Yesterday one of my fans sent me a message on Facebook asking me what I’d do to make a million dollars online if I had to start over in internet marketing from scratch. It was a good question…so I thought  a lot about it last night. Here’s what I’d do if I had to start out from scratch online Since I’ve already learned how to identify a hot market and convert traffic in those markets (I gained all that experience from my affiliate marketing activities), what I’d do is pick one of those markets and attack it backwards. The normal approach is to build a site and do a bunch of SEO, article submission, PPC,…

What I learned at Clickbank Masters

Hey guys! I just got back from Jeff Mill’s Clickbank Masters USA seminar which was over the weekend. It was an absolute blast! I also learned a ton of new stuff in the process which I will share with you now. Most of it was a bunch of random tips, so why don’t I just list them out in no particular order. About making connections and seminar going in general: The value in the event is NOT in the seminar area itself, but in the surrounding areas like the bars, the event lobby, etc. I know I’ve said this before, but I was amazed out how many people thought they had to sit through all…

How to Force People To Read Your Website <- That Means More Commissions!

Ol’ Danny boy here! I wanted to share a very important tip on improving your conversion rates of your websites. I did a webinar the other day with a friend, and while we were reviewing the sites I noticed that EVERYONE had the same problem – they didn’t know how to build a website that is so easy to read that you are basically forced to go through the content. In other words, their websites were so scatter brained that it was impossible to become engaged in them. This doesn’t sound like a huge problem – you’re probably thinking ‘oh who cares some people will read it anyway’. I can assure you that if you…

You’ve got 30 days to make $2,000 in profit online with internet marketing…what would you do?

Contest: Submit your plan to make $2000 in 30 days from scratch online with internet marketing Alright guys and girls, the contest is now over and the response has been nothing short of amazing. In fact, it was very difficult for me to come up with the winners because so many people had really great ideas. I apologize if you didn’t get picked as the winner, and it doesn’t mean I think your idea sucks or anything like that, I just had to make  a tough call between all these awesome plans (so tough that I had to add an additional $50 gift card for a 3rd place prize)! Let me tell you what I…

Making Money Online is DEAD :(

I know you’ve heard (and maybe even thought this once or twice) that making money online is “dead”, “over saturated”, “too hard now”, etc… I want to clear the air right now: Making money online is NOT dead… in fact there is more opportunity now than ever before. The “sky is falling” mindset I explained above is toxic. I will even admit, I gave into this mindset when I first started making money online. Let me tell you a story… Back in 2004, I had a thriving internet business which sold web hosting. In fact, at the time, my business was actually ahead of HostGator because I had about 100 more customers than they did….

How to Use Google Insights to Make More Money!

Let me know what you think of my video by leaving a comment below. Also, if you uncover any interesting research, feel free to share it with us with a comment 🙂 (Video length roughly 12 minutes long. Sorry, it time scale got cut off)

A Surprise Webinar Annuncement – You Don’t Want to Miss This!

Register Here For Live Webinar On November 18th at 9:00PM EST

To lead…or to follow…that is the question!

Howdy howdy! Time to dwell on a topic I think is very important. I want to discuss whether it’s best to follow or to lead, and it probably isn’t what you think either. From my experience online so far, I personally think it’s best to do both, and I’ll explain what I mean by that. When you should follow When you are first getting started – A lot of people make the mistake of trying to lead when they first start out. I personally recommend you follow first. Look at what successful people in your niche are doing and copy it. I’m not saying rip their content, but copy what techniques they are using. Look…

My 7 Figure a Year Niche Business Blueprint

I’m getting quite ambitious these days…and now I’m dead set on building a brand new niche business from scratch which I am aiming for 7 figures a year profit after 3 years. I wanted to share my blueprint with you – I was also hoping you would give me your thoughts on my plan by commenting below. First off, you probably know by now that I am also involved in the Internet Marketing niche (no kidding! haha). I fully expect my IM business will be a 7 figure earner by my third year, however I don’t want to become one of those ‘IM only gurus’ – you know the type. The people who only make…

A List of All Profitable Activities You Must to Do Make Money Online

Hello Hello As I’ve been working online more and more these days, I’ve noticed that there are a few profitable activities that will make you the most money. I’ve also noticed that it’s very easy to get caught up doing the non-profitable activities instead of what you should really be doing, so I wanted to list all of the activities that are profitable, and all of the activities that are non-profitable. Non-Profitable Activities Checking email Checking affiliate stats Customer support for your business <- important, but not profitable Spending hours on the Warrior Forum. For the most part, WF is a major time suck and will not contribute much to your business. There are a…